VIP Days
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VIP Days

Imagine an entire day devoted to growing your business.

Six juicy hours packed with powerful insights about yourself, your true purpose, your ideal customers and the best way to grow your brand.

By the end of day you come away from our deep dive energized and inspired.

You feel revitalized, with new clarity about your business and a clear path to take to move your business forward.


If you want the velocity that comes from having Amy focused solely on you and your business then put your seat belt on and get ready for a bounty of strategy, tactics & advice. You will emerge from this session with fresh clarity on your purpose driven brand message and a custom designed road map for building a leading brand and prosperous presence in your industry.

VIP Days are intensive guided private workshops (approximately 4-6 hours of focused work per session) where we dive deep into the core of your business concept & brand positioning, with the intention of:

1. Identifying your purpose driven brand positioning

By learning how to tap into your core values and purpose, you will discover what makes you stand out in a crowd – whether online, on social media or in person.

2. Developing a strategy and clear steps to build your brand and communication platform from that base

We will leverage the unique qualities that make your business one-of-a-kind, creating a custom road map to get you the attention, success and prosperity you desire.

These one-on-one sessions provide you with laser focused attention to your business in its current state, with an eye trained on clarifying your optimal destination and the steps to get there.


Emily_Circle“My VIP Day with Amy has been an excellent investment in myself and my business. It has provided me a toolkit to understand my unique position and communicate about my work in an empowering new way.”

“I’m extremely thankful for all I was able to take with me from my VIP day. I have gained a valuable road map that I can refer back to as needed, and a powerful springboard for jumping into future endeavors with much more confidence and clarity about who I am and what I want to do.”

Emily Poel | Practitioner & Trainer of the Grinberg Method


How it Works

You will be guided through a custom designed series of step-by-step exercises that reveal deep insights and help clear a path forward, so you can start seeing immediate results. Together we will create a customized a strategy for positioning your business and its communication with clear steps for you to get into action fast. Some of the issues we can address include:

  • Defining your one-of-a-kind brand position that will authentically express who you are, inspire your audience and help you attract new clients to your tribe.
  • Brainstorming your communication strategy and service packages to serve your clients while honoring your true purpose.
  • Mapping the tools and tactics you need to reach your ideal customers and clients
  • Customize a strategy and calendar for your content marketing program
  • Identifying your brand ecosystem – pinpointing the key partners, players and relationships that can help take your business to the next level.

Additional worksheets and resources are provided so you can expand on what is uncovered in our sessions – making the most of the momentum we develop together.

[pullquote cite=”” type=”left, right”]You will emerge from our session inspired, informed & empowered – with clear action steps to take towards your goal for fast results.[/pullquote]

Because of the intensive nature of these sessions you will experience an intimate, highly focused deep-dive into your specific situation – where I will be consulting you and coaching you so you can create immediate shifts in your business.

You will receive in-the-moment insights and inspirations that emerge in our conversation – that you can apply to your business right away.

Available wherever you are


VIP days are available both in-person and virtually so you can benefit from this highly focused, personal work from anywhere in the world. For in person sessions we will sit together and work for 6 intensely productive hours. Virtual sessions are carried out via skype or by phone in 5 concentrated bursts of 45-minute dialogue with 10 minute breaks between calls (4.5 hours total).

In addition to the standard VIP Intensive days, it is also possible to schedule Amy for 2-3 day VIP Gold Sessions, providing the maximum level of concentrated focus and rapid results to your most p

ressing issues. Please inquire for availability and advanced scheduling.

The VIP Day Intensive Session is for you if:

  • You have a message that needs to be heard.
  • You have knowledge or talents that help people improve their life.
  • You are excited by the prospect of  a receiving full day of concentrated attention on your business from a seasoned branding professional with expert knowledge and a fresh view on your specific situation.
  • You are looking for clarity and systems designed to help you be purposeful, profitable and empowered while creating the business of your dreams.
  • You value receiving laser-focused consulting and insights (and the occasional kick in the pants – kindly delivered) to help you uplevel your business fast.
  • You get motivated when you’ve made a personal commitment and financial investment in your business.

The VIP Day Intensive Session is not for you if:

  • You don’t really care what you do, or how you do it – you just want to see a fast profit and quick exit.
  • You expect your business consultant to do the work for you.
  • You are focused on problems and the others in your life that have created them for you.

I only have a small number openings for this kind of VIP Day Intensive per month, so you’ll need to take action fast to reserve your spot. Fill in your VIP Day Intensive application form right away and let me help you get your message out to the world in a bold way.




Apply Now!